Holistic Balance

{Holistic Balance}{363 Burwood Rd}{Hawthorn}{3122}{VIC}{Australia}{(039) 041-3232}
363 Burwood Rd 3122 Hawthorn, VIC
Phone: (039) 041-3232
Lower Cross Syndrome | Holistic Balance

Lower Cross Syndrome

Lower Cross Syndrome


Lower crossed syndrome (LCS) is a musculoskeletal imbalance condition characterised by specific patterns of muscle dysfunction, primarily involving the lumbar spine, pelvis, and lower extremities. Tightness in the hip flexors (iliopsoas, rectus femoris) and lumbar extensors (erector spinae) is coupled with weakness in the gluteal muscles and abdominal stabilisers (transversus abdominis, internal obliques). The imbalanced muscle activity results in an anterior pelvic tilt, increased lumbar lordosis, and a protruding abdomen, leading to a characteristic swayback posture.

Individuals with LCS often experience chronic low back pain, hip pain, and tightness in the hip flexors. Dysfunction in the lumbar-pelvic region may contribute to secondary symptoms such as sacroiliac joint dysfunction and hip joint impingement. Additionally, LCS can impair functional movement patterns, affecting activities such as walking, standing, and squatting. Reduced hip mobility and stability may also predispose individuals to compensatory movements and increased risk of injury during physical activities.

One method myotherapists may use to address LCS is by manual therapy such as soft tissue mobilisation techniques, which include myofascial release and trigger point therapy, that target tight muscles (e.g., hip flexors, lumbar extensors) to alleviate tension and improve flexibility. Joint mobilisation and manipulation may also be employed to restore normal joint mechanics and address segmental dysfunctions, particularly in the lumbar spine and pelvis.


In addition to manual therapy techniques, exercise therapy is very beneficial and complements the above techniques in addressing LCS more comprehensively. Strengthening exercises focusing on the gluteal muscles and abdominal stabilisers are essential components of LCS rehabilitation. Hip extension exercises, core stabilisation exercises, and postural retraining aim to correct muscle imbalances and promote optimal alignment of the lumbar-pelvic region.

Listed below are some details of a client dealing with pain associated with LCS who is seeking treatment here at HBM, which may also serve as a case study:

Age: 40+

Gender: F

Symptoms: Immense pain around lower back suddenly after going down the stairs one day, could barely walk after it happened.

Medical history: No significant injuries shown on MRI/X-Ray

Lifestyle: Works as a music teacher, and is seated for that mostly, also does Pilates to strengthen her muscles

The client has received 3x treatments here at HBM over 1.5 months to manage her symptoms, and even after the first treatment has had great improvement in mobilityand pain. Educating her on the importance of compliance to treatment has made a big difference on her quality of life, and after educating her on the possible cause (after numerous questioning and orthopaedic testing) and with some take home exercises and stretches, she’s been able to get back to her daily activities relatively pain-free.

If you or someone you know are dealing with LCS, musculoskeletal pain, or even myofascial trigger points, book in an appointment to see us now for an initial consultation so we can assess your condition and come up with an appropriate and tailored treatment plan to manage your pain.

Simply click this booking link for the myotherapy initial consultation with our experienced myotherapists.


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