Holistic Balance

{Holistic Balance}{363 Burwood Rd}{Hawthorn}{3122}{VIC}{Australia}{(039) 041-3232}
363 Burwood Rd 3122 Hawthorn, VIC
Phone: (039) 041-3232
Jerry Song | Holistic Balance

Jerry Song

Myotherapist ( Pain Eliminator)
Having graduated in Melbourne with a Diploma of Remedial Massage and an Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Sports Therapy from the UK, Jerry possesses unique skills and perspective when it comes to treating his clients and helping them achieve their goals.

He’s dealt with his share of injuries and knows how frustrating it can be not to be functioning at 100%, but it also makes it that much more rewarding when Jerry and the client both are able to witness every little milestone on their recovery journey together.

An emphatic therapist, Jerry strives to provide quality treatments, no matter whether a client is struggling with a sporting injury, is an office worker dealing with neck or back pain, or even someone who’s just going through a lot at the moment and just needs to relieve some tension overall. It’s very physically (and often mentally) challenging work, but seeing the change even one session can make fills his cup right up and motivates him to get more out of every session.

As a Sports and Myotherapist, Jerry boasts a number of different skills and techniques in his toolbox that he employs to get the most out of each session for his clients, chief among them being myotherapy massage techniques, myofascial dry needling and cupping, as well as soft tissue and joint mobilisations. He also believes that you shouldn’t treat long-term conditions with short-term solutions, so you can often expect to receive some home care advice (in the form of stretches or exercises) at the end of each session to facilitate further improvement of symptoms.

Outside of work, Jerry finds great enjoyment in the gym, going on a trivia or board game night with friends, and just recharging at home with a good movie or show. He’s also done a bit of travelling in his time and would love to exchange stories of your experiences too.


— University of Hertfordshire,UK

Bachelor of Science in Sports Therapy, 2018

— Sports Medicine Australia

SMA level 1 Sports Trainer certificate, 2019

— Max Therapy Institute

Diploma of Remedial Massage, 2020

Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy, 2022

— Myotherapy Australia

Certificate for peripheral joint mobilisations, 2023


Click on this link to book an appointment with Jerry.


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