Holistic Balance

{Holistic Balance}{363 Burwood Rd}{Hawthorn}{3122}{VIC}{Australia}{(039) 041-3232}
363 Burwood Rd 3122 Hawthorn, VIC
Phone: (039) 041-3232
Health Funds | Holistic Balance

What is HICAPS

Formed in 1998, HICAPS is Australia’s leading ancillary health claims billing solution for healthcare providers. HICAPS stands for Health Industry Claims and Payments Service. It is a simple and fast electronic health claims system that allows people with health funds to get “a” rebate on the spot. HICAPS requires only a swipe from the health funds membership card though the machine. It covers most private health funds in Australia and a large number of healthcare professionals.

How does it work?

HICAPS allows you to claim on your private health for remedial massage or myotherapy on-the-spot by showing your health fund card when making the payment. The HICAPS machine will then process your claim directly and you just simply pay the gap amount depending on the cover you have. The whole process is quick and easy and completed in seconds.

Participating Health Funds for Myotherapists :

HICAPS participating health funds for Remedial Massage Therapists :


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